HTR Engineering has since 2009 service a range of Aviation SPO’s with specialist Engineering skills sets. We have been involved with:
Qualified Flying Instructors (QFI) and Unit Maintenance Training Pilots (UMTP) in both Oakey and Townsville. The MRH90 Helicopter is the backbone of Army Aviation and we believe that in the future there will be significant demand for Aircrew, Pilots and Flight Training Instructors. With the LHD and MATV Vessels entering service the need for BlackHawk Romeo Aircrews and Pilots will increase, as will the MRH90 Teams.
HTR Engineers provided Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Testing Services to the Vigilaire Program at Williamtown. Prior to that several Engineers assisted the Vigilaire Program in Adelaide. Vigilare is a key element in the Australian Defence Force’s network-centric capability, receiving, processing and fusing a mass of information from Australian and coalition networks and systems. These include civil and military air traffic control radars, tactical data networks, the Jindalee Operational Radar Network, Wedgetail airborne early warning and control aircraft and navy ships.
Wedgetail – Boeing 737 AEW&C E-7
The Boeing 737 AEW&C is a twin-engine airborne early warning and control aircraft. It is lighter than the 707-based Boeing E-3 Sentry, and mounts a fixed, active electronically scanned array radar antenna instead of a rotating one. It was designed for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) under “Project Wedgetail” and designated E-7A Wedgetail. HTR Engineering assisted the program by supplying with several Avionics Engineers who were primarily involved in the EVM / EVA and Systems Engineering design.
HF-MOD – JP 2043 Phase 3A
The JP 2043 Phase 3A project is the High Frequency (HF) Communications System (DHFCS) for Defence long-range communications. The Fixed Network component comprises four HF stations in the Riverina, Townsville, Darwin and North West Cape areas together with primary and backup Network Management Facilities in Canberra.
HTR Engineers were involved with the project to provide upgrades to selected Australian Defence Force (ADF) sea, land and air mobile platforms to make them compatible with the capabilities of the network. The Fixed Network capability has been provided in two major stages, Core and Final. The Core System replaced the prior Navy and Air Force HF systems from November 2004 with the Final System taking over support to ADF operations since October 2009.